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★アフリカンペイントアーティストSHOGEN 【プロフィール】 単身でアフリカへ渡り、村人と生活を共にしながら絵を描き続けたペンキ画家。 【主な展覧会】 ●2016・2017・2018年 スターバックス池袋明治通り店(個展) ●2018年10月 メルボルン101コリンズタワー(個展) 【出演】2016年・2017年・2018年十代版ガールズコレクション「超十代」 ★テレビ出演 LIFE〜夢のカタチ〜(朝日テレビ、2018年5月26日放送) ●スポンサー企業→日本ペイント(株) SHOGEN Profile SHOGEN is a Japanese painter, who paints the bliss of life. Having been strongly inspired by Tinga Tinga, an indigenous painting style in Tanzania, Africa, he left his employment in Tokyo and flew to Tanzania to study the art in 2014. He became a pupil of Mr. Noel Kambili, one of the leading Tinga Tinga artists, and learned how to paint for a year in a village called Bunju. He became fully immersed in life in Tanzania while living with his master’s family. SHOGEN established his own painting style and continues to be creative with Tinga Tinga’s spirit of “Making People Happy” in mind. “I would be very happy if my paintings inspire you in some way to enjoy your life.” -- SHOGEN