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Wife to the Soul Poet, the Spike Lee of Poetry, my one and only Aquil Ali Woman of God 🙌🏽🖤 Spoken Word Poetess🎙 Motivational Speaker 🗣️ Writer/Author ✍🏾 Mother 💚💙❤️ Advocate For Autism 🧩 ✳️Admin for Love & Lyrics ✳️Leader in One Love Poetry Series ✳️Moderator in several different spaces I love of God and follow his way, Word and teachings...Out Da Gate Make No Mistake. 🙏🏽 I bring you a divine mix of love, positivity and Matthew 5:16 light, joy and jive! That's that shine! ✨ Mathew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. ✨ You can find me on multiple stages throughout Clubhouse sharing a Holy word, sharing poetry, and sharing my shine. ✨Please Note ✨ All my work is copyrighted!!! I Do Not Give Anyone Permission To Share It Without My Knowledge. You can find me on IG under @shiningpoetess and/or @shiningspeaker. Follow my backup page @shiningspeaker
