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Shine Wang




น สิยา โลกวฑฺฒโน ไม่ควรเป็นคนรกโลก , DSA104 ภารกิจชีวิต : กอปรเหตุ วางผล : ทำดี เว้นชั่ว ทำใจให้บริสุทธิ์ Present :Chairman, Board of Directors,Executive Director, Audit Committee and Chairman of Risk Management Committee 🧑🏼‍💻 CPA , ASEAN CPA , FAC EX-CFO / EX-CAE / EX-CEO 🎓 Bachelor Degree in Accounting and Master Degree in Economics (course work) @U-Thammasat 🎓 Bachelor Degree in Law (Honored) @U-Chula 🎓 Master Degree in IT in Business- SEC (Thailand) Scholarship @U-Chula Singer - T.U. Band 2534-2536 Former Board of Directors and Chairman of Audit Committee- Fragrant Property Public Company Limited. I love making friends with different people 🤟 ❤️ Listen more, Share more.