ENGINESHARK.COM ( The fastest growing search engine for all business needs.) ( FOUNDER ) HUELINKS.COM ( The cross between Facebook/LinkedIn for people of HUE ). WORLDQUESTCAPITAL.COM IS THE FASTEST GROWING BUSINESS CREDIT BUILDING PLATFORM IN AMERICA πΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈ. Who is Sherrod Pigee ? I want to answer this question because it's been asked many times, in so many ways and it's finally time to set the record straight in my own words. Why? Rumors are started by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots. Sometimes you have to set your own record straight :-) I am a 54-year-old entrepreneur from and if I were to write my own script it would really truly be very serious , but entertaining. My life has become a beacon of "REDEMPTION" because it took me to lose a fortune to gain the knowledge to build an empire. I am a God loving man, a father, a husband, a man that has made mistakes, a mentor, a man with drive, a man that is socially conscious, a man that is humble, a man with a felony, a man that is convicted to his dreams, a philanthropist, a motivational inspiration for those who think they cannot, an author, a deal maker , a serial entrepreneur, but most importantly I am Sherrod Pigee. SHERRODPIGEE.COM πΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈ