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Sheila Santini




REALTOR®️| GRI®️| SellState Priority | Certified Probate Specialist | Advisor | Leader | Trainer | Mentor |Developer of people in the Real Estate Space | Real Estate Strategist & Profit 🎯 ROI 🏖SWFL🛥 🎙 Co-Host 👋 & ✳️ Moderator Trusted Advisor “Assisting clients to clarify and qualify their personal desires into obtainable results.” I help clients navigate the contractual process of buying and selling Real Estate. By providing support and professional knowledge, & mitigating risk. ❤️ I have a passion for learning and sharing knowledge 🍳 Breakfast w/ Champions 💰 🎙️ Real Estate All Day 🏡 10❌ BOOTCAMP Cardone University 📚 10❌ LADIES 10❌ GrowthCon 2022 🏡Realestate Networking Club 📍Florida 📍Cape Coral 📍Punta Gorda 📍Fort Myers 📍Fort Myers Beach 📍Sanibel 📍Captiva 📍Pine Island 📍St.James City 📍Bonita Springs 📍Estero 🏘 Certified KW University Instructor 📩 [email protected] ☎️ 7️⃣2️⃣7️⃣6️⃣4️⃣3️⃣7️⃣3️⃣0️⃣4️⃣