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Sheel Bhuta




Intuitive Healer for Pro Athletes | Emotional Intelligence Advisor | Psychic/Medium | Mental Health Advocate I can see your potential & can help you harness your power. 🧬 Holistic Health Practitioner I am a Yoga & Ayurveda Therapist, Sujok Therapist (Acupressure & Acupuncture), Quantum Healer, Crystal Healer and Pranic Healer I specialize in body regeneration 👶 Children’s EQ/ Mindfulness Teacher I teach kids how to harness and retain their magic. I developed a program mixed with meditation, energy healing, emotional intelligence & social intelligence that I teach to preschoolers - high school kids. My goal is to be the next Mr Rogers. ⚕️🔮 Medical Intuitive I see & feel people’s ailments and channel the remedies. ✍️Writer I’ve written children books- do you know a publisher? 🔮 Psychic I see & feel people’s energies. I can connect with loved ones & celestials. 🤲🏽✨ Reiki Master & Quantum Healer I am an energy healer and I teach people how to heal. 🧘🏻‍♀️ Meditation & Breathwork Coach I make meditation more approachable and help you dive into yourself in the most effortless yet potent way. 💕 Sexual Trauma Survivor Advocate I helped reform campus safety protocols with the Office of Civil Rights Education Department, the late Senator Arlen Spector & Security on Campus 🧠 Mental Health Advocate I am a suicide & depression survivor. I am here to prove to you that there’s not just a light at the end of the tunnel but you are the light itself. Do not hesitate to reach out if you feel alone. I am here prove to you that you are loved. 🧠🚀 Head of Programming of spaceMVMNT 🧡 Multiple Sclerosis Warrior I co-chaired an event with the MS Society on my MS “Anniversary” 🌏 Philanthropist I am a pro at securing sponsorships & auction items (getting better at getting celebrity appearances too) for Charity Events and I love creating interactive informative campaigns to help raise awareness & funds for causes. Hit me up if you need help with yours! 🏈 Sports Marketing & PR I secure partnerships for professional athletes & help them with their nonprofits am currently in the process of creating one that will benefit at-risk youth & foster kids. 💫 Lover of life My proudest accomplishment is being truly happy & enamored with life after going through a soul crushing depression, trauma & physical ailments. My goal is to fill every single place I’m in with love.