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Sean Badaracco




🎙Understanding the World🌎 🔔 CLICK THE BELL 🔔 Hosted by World News Today club Join the family! Mission Statement 👇👇👇👇👇 Our focus is not top stories from mainstream media, although we talk plenty about them, our focus is on you! The individuals we speak with from all parts of the world are our focus. How do these “top stories” affect you personally? What topics in your life matter the most? How is my media or yours creating fear and turning one group of people into the enemy? On the flip side of fear is understanding and we gain understanding when we travel. Join us daily on our world travels! About me: ⭐️Italian Renaissance Man ⭐️Historian of USA and Europe ⭐️Knowledgeable in Anglo Saxon, Mexican American, and African American cultures. 📚 Everyone should read : -The Story of Civilization Caesar and Christ Will Durant -Unbroken Laura Hillenbrand -The Hobbit JRR Tolkien ⭐️Business Contacts⭐️ Sponsorships and Partnerships Email - [email protected] WhatsApp - 15202505670 Direct Message 👇👇👇👇👇👇