Sharon Chen
如果你想看ppt , 欢迎进zoom Zoom ID 7328093267 Password: 1419 今天的主题: 2/7/2023 👉每晚睡个安稳觉是你梦寐以求的?👈 “睡眠”到底是怎么一回事? 大脑需要哪类睡眠? 怎样睡得深睡的沉? 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 1/31/2023 💥什么是人体智能芯片💥 各地专业人士的推荐芯片; 人体智能芯片的底层逻辑; 各种芯片使用范围; 💥你需要一份大脑使用说明书?💥 哪些行为会伤害大脑? 怎样滋养大脑? 怎样激活大脑? 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺 1/17/2023 ⚡️别再说 “三高”了 现在得关注:“四高”⚡️ 尿酸究竟是什么? 尿酸为什么会升高? 对抗高尿酸的出路在哪里? 1/12/2023 ‼️ 谁在操纵着衰老的速度‼️ 血糖波动与糖化反应 AGEs的危害 怎样管理血糖波动 1/10/2023 👉疼痛不是病,痛起来要人命👈 疼痛的误区 哪些疼痛不可大意 控制疼痛的新方法 1/7/2023 👉 避免踩进高血压的坑? 👈 高血压是不是一种病? 如何抓住干预的黄金时期? 怎么吃才能有效降血压? 如何运动降低血压? 如何舒减压力,降低血压? 疏通经络,调理血压 12/10/2022 ❤️ 从高血脂到心梗,脑梗,有多远?❤️ 高血脂的来龙去脉 高血脂的前因后果 远离高血脂,日常生活里怎么做? 让我自己远离高血脂这个“隐形杀手”远一点。 12/8/2022 🔑免疫系统健康的守护神。🔑 什么是免疫系统 免疫与炎症的关系 适度的生活方式干预 The Body SIMs is cutting-edge wearable technology, improving overall health and wellness. MY mission is help people getting more health🌱and more wealth✨ . By awakening people’s minds to change their life and change the world we are living in.❤️ I believe that a basic level of economic stability and a healthy income is necessary for being happy.😂🌹 If anything Relate to you. I am here for helping. I am a business coach and help individual how to improve the current financial situation🎯❤️👂 Marketing influence talent manager🗣 Cofounder: Ady International Corp💍 Cyz Properties LLC🏢 CWRE Investment LLC🏠 Import and wholesale business have stablished over 600 accounts in the Tri-states. 🇱🇷 Scientific research at UBC, McGill and Rutgers universities🧬💊 Graduated from Zhejiang University.🎓 I used to guide entrepreneurship and marketing, as well as team management for more than 2,000 people.💪💪💪 Over 30 years of professional career。I have broadened my dual vision of scientific research and business, and accumulated practical experience in training and team management. 🔭 An opportunity ignited me, and I will devote my life to paving the way for entrepreneurs. If you are looking for a reliable project for long-term operation, exploring the global market, or not satisfied with your current income, if you pass my assessment, I will become your entrepreneurial mentor. I will make the road of entrepreneurship go smoother.🎯✅♾❤️ Leisure Time: photography, gardening🍅 曾经生活在温哥华和蒙特利尔。 📍美国,新泽西 轻资产创业 88年来到北美,先后在3所大学做科研。 2007年自主创业,我在美东三州的客户曾达到六百余家。 30多年来职业生涯,我拓宽了科研与经商的双重视野,积累了培训,团队管理的实战经验。 一个机缘点燃了我,我将把自己的有生之年,投入到为创业者铺路。如果你正在寻找长期经营的可靠项目,开拓全球市场,或不满意目前的收入,如果通过我的考核,成为你的创业导师。我会让创业这条路走得平坦些。 微信:sharonchen2014 请注明来自CH,你想了解什么信息。 爱好:摄影👁种菜🥬 Wechat: Sharonchen2022, 请注明CH,你想了解什么信息。