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Shapat Yahawadah




Ta-Wab Ba-Wa-Qar = Good Morning Leader in 1West and ISUPK SUPPORT BLACK BUSINESS 100% custom Body oils, sprays and butters and etc. 5 stars on Etsy for amazing product!! If you looking to smell good for a low price, get with TLC and you GUARANTEED to attract!! Long lasting smells, great products!! Shalam Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi barak ahthah Officer of 5000 Shapat out of the Israelite school of Universal Practical Knowledge (ISUPK) under commanding General Yahanna out of 1 west 125th st Harlem New York... Our mission is to wake up the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad, reminding them of their lost heritage, and bringing our people together to fight against oppression and the destruction of our communities by inside and outside sources. We follow the law given to us in the scriptures by The Most High Power Yahawah and believe that Yahawashi (known as Jesus Christ) is the king of our nation. For more information or contact info for a school near you visit: not affiliated with any other so called Israelites or Israelite groups...