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ShanΓ©y Washington




πŸŽ₯ Owner Creative Agency Dream Forward Media πŸ’΅ Generates Online Revenue for Small Businesses as a Digital Brand Strategist πŸŽ™Host of YouTube Series Branding While Black πŸŽ™Host of Same Journey, Different Paths: A Special Needs Parenting Podcast πŸŽ— Special Needs Mom ⚜️ New Orleans Made Featured on WWL Morning News: Side Hustles Work β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”- My mission is Educate, Empower and Economically Develop my people. My people are small black owned businesses that READY to move out of the startup phase. I have built funnels and digital ads that have brought in thousands of dollars for clients. I’m always looking for successful black entrepreneurs to interview for my YouTube series, Branding While Black. Text BWB to (504)499-0857 My website: To collab with me [email protected]