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Shanae Starnes




📓Public School Cosmetology Educator 🌿Certified Trichologist and Wellness Practitioner 🌿Certified Holistic Health Practitioner 🩺Licensed Healthcare Benefits Agent (NC,SC,VA,FL,AL,TN,TX,NJ) 🧑🏽‍🎓🧑🏽‍🎓B.A. ~ Business Administration 🧑🏽‍🎓🧑🏽‍🎓M.A. ~ Education 21st Century Leadership As a Holistic, Certified Trichologist I help women prevent hair loss, align their scalp & body and restore their hair so they can empower their inner critic with education and solutions. I do this through personal consultations, plant-based (and traditional) treatment protocols and proven strategies so they can find relief with a hair and wellness which that starts from the inside. As a Licensed Health & Life Insurance Agent 👇🏽 🎤 I help my community effectively gain knowledge and navigate the process of obtaining healthcare coverage in the under 65 market. 🎤I conduct free educational workshops on Affordable Healthcare. 🗣I Inform, Educate and Empower individuals and families by forming partnerships in the community with organizations such as churches, non-profit agencies and private sector businesses. 🎤Inspirational Public Speaker 📚Best Selling Author 🗄Certified Life Coach ✍🏾 Mane Addicts Published Contributor 🏆Confidence 🏆Communication🏆Consistency!” Content Creator & Host of “The Beauty Expansion Movement” Download my free gift to you 👇🏽 @