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Shahmir Sanni




Is this...LinkedIn or a disinformation hellscape? Came to clubhouse to destroy the prison industrial complex, now trying to bUiLd a PeRsOnAl bRanD tO gRoW & FaiL tiLl aN aMerIcAn tElls mE hoW tO piCk mYself up by the BoOtStraps anD cHasE tHe DrEam. SudDenLy an ExPeRt oN eVerYthing. “Sanni has become, whether intentionally or not, enemy #1 of two consecutive British governments...He is one of the most important whistleblowers since Snowden and has cemented himself as one of the most prominent political voices of his generation.” 26 year old gay, muslim immigrant to Britain who wants to make the world a cuter (yes, cuter - not better) place. Because better is so pre-2020. Born in Karachi, bred in Birmingham, moulded in London, coddled by New York. Currently in KHI. (Please ignore this self-aggrandising list I’ve been told to do this by my Clubhouse connoisseur friend because apparently that’s what the culture is - kill me now). And no these are not -manifestations- skdkskfksk London’s Most Influential Under-30 GAY Times Honouree Member of The Citizens Digital Advisor to Doc Society World of Warcraft veteran. Grindr’s Most Famous. Other stoof.