Shaam Jones




THE 🎯 BRAND 🎛 EQUALIZER🎚 I help♟Startups + Start-overs 🎲 find 🔎 their voice + vision in the marketplace 👋🏾 Got a product or service to SELL, need to learn how-to 🎭 TELL your brand story? I M✳️D, host + teach in-person + virtual Tell2Sell #BrandCamps⛺️showing emerging + established brands how to cook up a 🔥#BrandingStrategy to get-to-the💰marketplace. As a Social🏄🏾‍♂️surfer, helping social 🦋 butterfly’s be #SociallyFly is my thang. 🎉 Let me introduce your brand into the marketplace. I am a 🔗connector who knows how to put the right people into rooms to have interesting conversations. I’ve gathered crowds to source fund everything from ⚰️ funerals 🪦 to 👨🏽‍💻 tech 🕹 start-ups. As a ♣️🏠 community 🎁 contribution, I often share recipes to 🧠ADD-VALUE+ to those in spaces where I curate + chime into conversations on #storytelling, #branding + #content. ✳️ DYBSclubhouse ♣️ Founder 🦸🏾‍♂️ ✈️ BC 💬 your questions 🙋🏽‍♀️ 📍FIND ME IN DA ♣️ CLUBs 1️⃣+2️⃣👇🏾 🙅🏾‍♂️ Tired of being bullied? 🤦🏾‍♀️ Feel like a clone 🤖 or 🐝 drone? 🎭 GOT IMPOSTER SYNDROME? 🔊 NOW workshopping next #BYBcourse in 🔐 room sessions 🔁 Tap-in🧏🏾 👉🏽 in my 📩 DMs to <enter> the 🐇 Rabbit Hole 🕳 HIT 👉🏽 FOLLOW + 🔔 then ✔️Always to get 🚨 when I’m LIVE on stages. T H E 🔌 P L U G S ➕ me across your socials @shaamjones 👨🏾‍💻 💰 $haamJones 📍 Brooklyn, NY 📸 Screenshot This Bio