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Sezin Boztekin




HRoom Consultancy Managing Partner [email protected] @Recruitment @ExecutiveSearch @Hiring @HRConsultancy @HumanResources @TalentManagement @AssessmentCenter @DevelopmentCenter @Training @OrganizationalDevelopment @PerformanceManagementSystem @CareerCounseling @CareerCoaching @ProfessionalCVWriting ABOUT HROOM CONSULTANCY - HRoom Consultancy is a consulting firm operating on Human Resources Consulting - We mainly deals with consulting services on human resources processes, including the selection and placement function of human resources - We are being able to be your business partner with regarding to your existing and possible needs on the selection and placement side - Counseling services related to the establishment of human resources systems, performance evaluation process, organizational development, educational consultancy, assessment center and development center functions are realized - You can be confident that we fill the positions with the right candidates in the shortest possible time Linkedin Profile: