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Seren The Healer




Reiki Healer ·Energy Specialist ·Intuitive .Empath Sanctuary Leader ·Meditation Coach ·Creative (hobbies: Singer/Songwriter, sketch artist, writer...) Are YOU an EMPATH? What is your purpose in life? How do you manifest things in your life the FASTEST? Your Human Design Chart has answers and I can help you decode them. Because I am a clairvoyant empath with over 10 years bodywork and energy healing experience, I understand energy in a way that allows me to help you explain things that have plagued you all your life and hack them to work in your favor. I have an extremely Creative mind, I'm constantly getting ideas and am open to helping others brainstorm and collaborate Please follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Seren The Healer And check out my Empath Toolkit [email protected]