Selena Smith
God’s Daughter | Wife | Mom | CEO| Executive Leader | Visionary | Strategist |Life Coach | Inspirer | Motivator | Mover & Shaker | Connector | Advocate | Grant writer | Investor| Scholar | Life Learner | CEO, Simply Satisfaction Premier Events All in all, here’s what’s at my core: •. God IS my SOURCE •. Family is the nucleus •. My Black Girl Power is ELECTRIC •. As hard as it might be - Love yourself!!!! •. Health Advocate, Public Health is where it’s at •. What I do, where I am in life and whom I help is bigger than ME! • I’m goal oriented – outcome driven; • Not concerned about accolades or credit. Success is my reward; • Dysfunction is the enemy; and • Finally, I am an agent of change, we’re friends; as I have an unlimited supply of solutions, ideas and concepts and I do not possess the ability to fear any challenge/problem. #bethebestYOU #Godgivesyoustrength #Godsgotmyback #HeKnowsMyName #BlackLadiesinPublicHealth -BLiPH #BlackCaucusofHealthWorkers-BCHW So, let’s network!