Stephanie Brown
Success begins with knowing who you are. ππ½Life Coach,Leadership Development Consultant, ππ½ DISC Behavioral Consultant ππ½Teacher, Trainer and Public Speaker. ππ½PGI Personal Growth Innovator ππ½ 10X-Incubator Helping others to find their purpose in life has always been my ultimate goal. I am a transformational leader who is passionate about personal growth, and helping others develop and live life to their fullest potential. As a Change Agent, I am dedicated to assisting others in unveiling their true purpose and effectively transitioning their life. Over the years, I have valued the flexibility and opportunity of being an unconventional thinker in both my personal life and professional career. I utilize the wisdom gained personally and professionally to deliver a game-changing Journey Of Growth (JOG) experience to transform individuals and teams. I deliver a message that empowers audiences with personal and professional greatness. ππ½