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Izzii Sarii




🧛🏽‍♂️👽🦖 You want to know about me? Okay🥸🤗 Allow me to introduce myself👇🏽 I’m Sarah, but I go by (i)Izzii. Now, if you were trying to get my attention? Hmmmm.....not sure what to do for you. I am not, I repeat, NOT a Peach! I'm a Puerto Rican Mango! 🇵🇷 🥭 I am infatuated with reading, writing, and much more; Favorite Poet: Edgar Allan Poe💜✍️, singing, being as random and whatever. If you can’t accept me, 🤷🏽‍♀️ me no cares! I am me! I have me, and that’s all I need….lol! I’ve worked Customer Service and Hospitality. I do my best at whatever/whomever I work with. I’ve been an Executive Assistant for 2-3 businesses, as well. I can’t say much more right now bc then I won't be a VampLien anymore 😎😜😜🤣 If you are interested in my life, don’t forget to follow my houses and shared houses: -True Realz Crime Sealz -WereVampLienDino Squad -Storytime With Izzii -Adulting Sucks! And, of course, many others. You will only be accepted by the best people on my team of best people🤗 Don’t troll, trip, stroll through, pop up or whatever it is that you do to make yourself unlikeable around me. I won’t be having it……THANKS! TikTok: puertorico_4ever Insta: simply_meant_to_be_together Sorry, I’m not sorry to be Sarii! -Sky I have goals and dreams, but I’m not telling you bc I’m scared of you taking it from me😶‍🌫️😶💜 I'm what you call a 'Beige Flaggot'