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Mathieu Santy




👨‍💻Co-founder Influencer MAnagement & STRategy CEO Clubhouse België on FB 🇧🇪 He/him 👾 Geek 🍼 Daddy to be 🎧 DJ 🕺 21k on TikTok: @santymat 🐶 Suki The Pug Manager of: Luna Dupont, Hailey Bonduwe, Marcia Matthys, Maja Van Honsté, Jolijn Van Elven, Tim Ost, Meester Juan, Simon Descheemaeker and Lean Valcke Worked on influencer campaigns for: Disney, Ubisoft, Mattel, MGA Entertainment, Warner Bros., Universal, Stabilo, Labello, Dreamland... 📩 [email protected] ⬇️ Follow me on IG