Sandra McKnight
Hi my name is Sandra - free loving spirit who loves peace, travel and meditation. I'm hosting free guided Christian guided meditations this month, in my House of Meditation This month we're healing and balancing all seven Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third-Eye and Crown A Chakra is a "cluster of nerves" connected to vital organs, such as the heart, brain, and reproductive organs. These nerves also effect many of our mental and emotional experiences. The energy of each chakra nerve cluster is not static the way bones are, but continuously rotate in a circular motion, which is why the name Charkra" a Sanskrit word for "wheel". Each Chakra refers to a "cluster of nerves" and its vortex of energy that reside in the body and correspond to areas that have vital organs, such as the heart, brain, and reproductive organs. These nerves also effect many of our mental and emotional experiences. The visually dense energy of each chakra nerve cluster is not static the way bones are, but continuously rotate in a circular motion, which is why the name Charkra" a Sanskrit word for "wheel". There are seven main chakras connected to our vital organs, from the top of the head, through our center, to the root of the spine. They have been named Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third-eye and Crown. When your chakras are healthy and vital, they are “open,” but when energy stagnates, one or more chakras can become "blocked", or "closed", leading to various physical, mental and emotional symptoms.