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Sandra Francisco




👩‍💻Coaching Entrepreneurs from Idea to Profit 👏Empowering You to Transition from Job to Business 💰Promoting Conscious Business With 20 years of experience in launching products, services and businesses, I created a 4 step process to go from Idea to Profit. 🕵️Explore - 👩‍💻Plan - 🦸‍♀️Develop - 💃🏼Launch ➕ ⭐️ Personal development so you can have a meaningful and profitable business. Whether you are looking to explore an idea and gain your financial freedom, already made a change and left your job to start a business, or you are running a side business and want to take it to the next level, the Idea to Profit program is designed to get you the business of your dreams. 🙋‍♀️ I offer business and life advice to new and aspiring entrepreneurs on how to start offering their unique talents independently, start a business from scratch, and go from idea to profit so they can choose who they work with, where they work and when they work. 💡Explore creating profit while being authentic and true to yourself 🙋‍♀️ Book a strategy session at