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Sandi Masori




📺 TV Personality and ✏️ Bestselling author/ author-maker 📚 Helping you and 200+ bestselling authors/ experts self-publish. Got a book in you? Let’s chat! DMs open on Instagram ⬇️. 📽 I make YouTube videos (80k subs) More about me: 📺 Producer / Host of UMAMI: Cuisine and Culture 🎥 Producer / Assistant Director of Clubhouse’s Star Trek “The Inner Light” (April and May) 🎥Stage manager for Once Upon A Clubhouse (Feb. 2021) 🎈 Mentor of beginning balloon artists 👗I sell clothes and 🥿 paint shoes 📰 Field reporter for San Diego Jewish World ✡️ Tikkun Olam is my mission (that’s Hebrew for healing the world.) I celebrate cultures, diversity and connections that aim to be part of the solution. 🙋‍♀️ Co-founder of The Entrepreneur Club and Jewish Over 40 Club. Join us by clicking on the club icons below ⬇️. 👩‍👦‍👦Single Jewish mama to a teenager, and a Berkeley student. Go Bears! ✈️ 🛳 Travel lover. I like to stay for an extended time and live like the locals. Or at least I used to when I traveled 😂 I’ve lived in Japan 🇯🇵 and Israel 🇮🇱. 🍣 🍱 I’m a major foodie. Sushi is my #1 fave, but I’m snobby about it. I love trying foods across different cultures and flavors. My faves are Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Israeli, Jewish, Mediterranean, Mexican, and cow cooked pretty much any way (sorry vegetarians), and pretty much any other high-quality food. In fact I’m producing a cooking show - how I will manage that and try to lose weight I have no idea lol. 📍So Cal native- San Diego to be specific ☀️ 🧵