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Marie Miller




すぐにフォローします。 私は日本語を勉強していて、来年日本に行きたいと思っています。 I use Instagram ONLY, no exceptions. ✍️ 💗🌺🌺Gratitude, Honesty, Kindness, Respect, Unity, Trustworthiness & Love are what’s important in life.🌺🌺💗 * 🎼 No Music, No Life 🎶 * Arts, poetry & spoken word * Nature lover, flowers make me happy * Japanese language learner 🌎 JAPACITY 🎶 Shake Emotions 🎶 Rufus Lin の Jazz 🎹 Live Piano Avengers 😎 House of R&B 🎶 Bird House 🎼 CHST Clubhouse Live Performers Street 🎵 Rooftop Vibes 🎧 🎵 FIRST NOTE PLAY 🎧 Worldwide Radio 💿 The Radio Club House 🎶 Music Player 🎹 🎸 Music Was My First Love 🌴 InSoMusic, Ocean Lounge 🎵 🧘 Mystic Sisters 🎧 🎸 FREE DA PEOPLE ! ! ! 🎶 🎶 Movin’ & Groovin’ 🎧 🧘‍♀️ Dr. Shelley’s Parlor 🎶 🎧 Beatific Sounds 🎼 🎶 Fat Bug 🎼 🎼 Music House Station 🎧 👩‍🚀 Musical Cosmos 🎶 🇺🇸 Live In Denver, Colorado ⏰ Mountain Time Zone (MST) 🇯🇵 Born In Japan, Issei 1.5, Mixed 📷 AKIRA Fine Art Photography 👩‍✈️ US Air Force Veteran #Stop Hate Crimes #BlackLivesMatter Cash app: $Marichan8 All donations go to Denver Sister Cities