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Питер Фруан




Open minded and love seeking the fundamental truths in our universe. Single father of 3 beautiful children. US Navy Veteran Engineering Physics Student Books read and of interest are related to Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Astronomy, US Federal Reserve, Religious Studies, US Politics, US History, America Working Class History, American Ruling Class History, Economics, Socialism History (Communist, Anarchist), Propaganda History and it’s intent and techniques in Consumerism (marketing), War, Healthcare, groups, media,education and US political system. US Domestic and Foreign Policy and African American History* *Books that I have read were from and taught in the US educational system and books that were forbidden, censored and suppressed from the US educational system. Survivor of Narcissistic Abuse and helping those who are currently and recovering from psychological abuse. My goal on this application is to share and gain knowledge by meeting open minded people that are willing to have a productive and healthy discussions, debates on issues that affect and influence our everyday life with the goal of finding ways to benefit humanity and the world we live in.