Sammy Attalah
Actor🔸Producer🔸Theatremaker 🎬Currently developing a web-series that will start shooting in summer ................................................................. 🟠Founder -@UntoldCollectiv 🟣Producer-#LatinxScratch 🟢Curated-The Latin American Season at The Actor’s Centre Founder Member - @LatinxActorsUK Member of - @Mena_Arts_UK Advocate for increasing stories from underrepresented communities Come discuss all things film & theatre at - UK Film Chat🇬🇧🎬 @UntoldCollectiv a space for writers of underrepresented communities to come have their work table read by actors - get in touch to have your script read If you’re an actor follow our @UntoldCollectiv on Insta/Twitter for news on our table read Always wanting to collaborate with new creatives