Samantha Leavell
⭐️⭐️CHIEF BRAND OFFICER of CERTIFIED NATION ENTERTAINMENT 🌐 🎼✍🏽💎MGR/PUBLICIST💎✍🏽🎼 @koolrockski of the legendary Hip Hop trio The Fat Boys (formerly Disco 3) 📧 FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES EMAIL ME: [email protected] or [email protected] 💫🎼💿ARTIST MANAGEMENT 💫🎼💿 @citythegreat_ CITY THE GREAT(Founder/Owner of Certified Nation Entertainment, Special Ed’s Artist, SEMI Records) @akahindrix JAE LAW AKA HINDRIX of Certified Nation Entertainment @itsonlywrite ITSONLYWRITE of Certified Nation Entertainment @chambs44 CHAMBS TAYLOR of Certified Nation Entertainment @honeystaxx HONEY STAXX of Certified Nation Entertainment @ld4lthagoat LD4L of Certified Nation Entertainment 🎥📡 HOST of LET’S GET ACTIVAT3D VIDEO PODCAST ‼️...Independent Artists and Legends Thursdays 7PM EST LIVE on YouTube, Facebook ,Twitter, Twitch and! Audio available Thursdays 10pm-11pm EST on The Tattoo Shop Radio (Ohio), Culcha Shock Radio (Canada), Cuzzo FM (Germany) and Waptor Music FM (Guadeloupe) ⏪ 💎💎💎I WEAR MANY HATS💎💎💎 🗞️🗞️🗞️PUBLICIST 🛒 Co-Owner: Rock and Sam Shop ✍🏽WRITER of Artist bios and music reviews 🧥 BRAND AMBASSADOR 📡 VIDEO PODCAST HOST 📡RADIO CO-HOST 🎨CONTENT CREATOR 🎼🖤SUPPORTING INDEPENDENT ARTISTS 🌐 CERTIFIEDNATIONENTERTAINMENT LLC ✊🏽🖤#WRITE YOUR OWN HISTORY 🌹#HER STORY TOLD 🎤 HIP HOP...A LOVE STORY 📖You may read my reviews on 💎Life is short! Do what you love!🖤 I had an epiphany and I went with it. A beautiful movement has manifested. My foot is heavy on the gas!⛽️⛽️ 💫I move with purpose, grace and positive energy. leavell.35 💫💵CASH APP: $SamanthaTG