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Saliah Bryan




🎹 3rabi Bass House & EDM Music Producer. 🎧 DJ. 🖌 Creative Director. 🎵 Soundcloud/saliahofficial 🇱🇧🇰🇼🇬🇧 British-Lebanese, born and raised in Kuwait, lived most of my life in UK. Topics I’m interested in: ✨Womxn of colour in the music industry ✨ Womxn of colour in the electronic music industry ✨ Creative industry (Branding, Brand Identity) ✨ Collaborating science with design ✨ Start-up culture ✨ Diversity and inclusion ✨ Intersections of identity ✨ Activism against the Kafala system in MENA/SWANA (South West Asia and North Africa). ✨ Activism in tackling Anti-Blackness in the MENA/SWANA regions. ✨ Human Rights ✨ Intersectional Feminism ✨ Islam 🎹 Join ‘Mazika’ - A community discord channel for Femme & NB BIPoC Music Producers to share resources and track feedback. Link in my Instagram Bio!