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Sakinah Bunch, INHC




🌱 I help women learn to love their body, so they can stop the cycle of disordered eating and give their family a chance. When women feel successful, it leads to generations of success 👩‍👧‍👦 🥳 WHAT I DO: I help the woman restore healthy relationships with food and self. 🧐 WHY YOU SHOULD CARE: * There is too much shame, guilt and “generational” illness, associated with present health and confusion on how to increase health quality. * You may feel like you have tried everything and your efforts have failed. * I’ve been there, I understand and I’m here to help. ❤️WHAT YOU GET WORKING WITH ME: * DEVELOP confidence and reduce guilt and shame surrounding health. * UNDERSTAND how to adjust behaviors and thoughts surrounding food and self. * INCREASE knowledge about the body to compound efforts and sustain them long term. * MASTER and implement the top 5 factors that impact LONG TERM success for mind, body, and spirit. ************************************* Certified Holistic Health Coach 🏥 |Wellness Advocate 👩🏽‍⚕️ | Best Selling Author ✍️ | Home Grown Chef 👩🏾‍🍳 | Keynote Speaker 🎤 | Organic Skincare Innovator 🧴 Pronounced: Sah-KEY-nah _________________________________ ✍️ Accepting new clients. Book your discovery call here: 🎞 FEATURED IN MEDIA: ABC | News Enterprise | Boss Lady Coaching Masterclass