Sajna Rahman
Breakthrough Performance Mentor/International Speaker I teach curious ambitious women from diverse cultures how to work with Universal Laws so they can create opportunities, increase their impact and get breakthrough results in their careers and life! Turned my passion into profit Founder ‘Tomorrow Meets Today’ events, bringing together Future Leaders with Today’s Inspirational Leaders Founder of Think Transform Thrive Online Coaching Program- 12 week incubator to help grow personal and professional results exponentially 24 years experience in the corporate world in the service sector. I climbed up the career ladder by being excellent at NETWORKING! 🎤Speaking Topics🎤 • Imposter Monster • Resilience/Confidence • Personal Branding • Fast Track your Career through your Relationship Action Plan • The Power of Profile/Raise Your Visibility • Build your Personal Boardroom Married 27 years to my childhood sweetheart ❤️ Mother to one handsome boy! My mission in life is to help women create fulfilling and purposeful lives by powering up their soft skills! My 8yr old niece says I help everyone become heros😁 Ahhh ebook- Make your Network Work For You- A Networking Playbook