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Sadday Zivec




The Unperfect Coach Psychologist | Strategy Coach 🗣 pronounced: Sa-dye, Sa-die, Sa...nevermind 🇨🇦 🇲🇽 Mexican by birth - Canadian by choice. Proud of both. 🖤 I work with entrepreneurs who want to get out of their head & into action by getting rid of perfectionism and the thoughts that stop them from reaching their full potential. I spend my day talking with people interested in reprogramming their mind, but really, reprogramming my own 🧠 📅 Full Focus Planner Certified Pro Tienes grandes metas que quieres alcanzar pero te falta tiempo o un plan para lograrlo? Únete a nuestra comunidad donde estarás acompañado de gente como tú, trabajando juntos en crear la vida que realmente quieres. Nuestra membresía “META Creadores” abrirá sus puertas nuevamente en Enero. Mándame un mensaje para más información. ❤️ I’ve had a crush on Digital Marketing for over a decade, it just won’t go away. Lifelong learner 🧠 💜 📝 🥗 🧘🏻‍♀️ ♈️ Aries, Type A, ENTJ, Generator. 🔥 Perfectionism, Impostor syndrome, Positive Psychology, Postmodern Therapies, NLP, Strategic Intervention, Neuroscience, Productivity, Digital Marketing. 🏠 Club The Unperfect Life 🏠 Club SER para HACER along with @silviaaguilarmx & @sofiagarcia Hablo Español, English, Spanglish, broken Québécois et Frañol. 🔗 🎁 Want to discover if you’re a perfectionist and how it might stop you from reaching your goals? Find the free guide in my IG bio. Or just come say hi 👋 on Instagram!