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Victoria Gamerman




Healthcare data translator 📚 PhD in Biostatistics ❤️ Passionate about digital health, patient centricity, and real world evidence in clinical research 🧐 Enthusiast and thought leader on real world evidence within the healthcare industry 👍 Track record for connecting the dots between meeting patient needs, available data sources, and data science methods 📍Scholar-Professional in Columbia University’s Applied Analytics program 📍Global Head of Data Governance and Insights; former Head of Health Informatics and Analytics 🥰 Leading a team of experts to optimize clinical trial development by harnessing multi-dimensional real world data to help meet patients’ needs through the use of advanced analytics and algorithms 📓Driven by passion and fueled by curiosity, I have a love for learning, teaching, and promoting statistics 🎓 University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine and Boston University 🖇Connect on LinkedIn: 💡Opinions and views are my own.