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Kimmie Foréll




🌀 My passion is Reiki to relieve dis-ease➰allow our miraculous body to heal. Stress to the mind, body & soul interrupts the flow. Mindful practices to live in this day to it’s full potential. Universal Laws for Self Mastery USUI Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner Owner: Love Within Reiki Certified Oracle Guide Personal Mastery. Certified Meditation Teacher Singing Bowl / Sound Healer Holistic Astrology School with Karni Zor Crystals Healing through Reiki ~ Holistic plant medicine & oils for energy healing Accredited Ministries- credentials of Ministry Universal Life All thru Love ~ frequency ~ balance of co creation 💜 Interested in philosophy, spirituality & science I am certified and registered with the International Reiki Institute of professionals and Reiki Healing Association [email protected]