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Rushali Agrawal




Experience of 18 years of life 😎 If you want to do something in life, have big AIM and feel that you are stuck I have a opportunity for u But Their is condition That condition is:- You have Aim in life. Why I Write Aim insist of dream. Because my Dear Friend When you have dreams, They are bound to shatter. It's come Ture - Rarely, occasionally If fact, xyz shouldn't be anyone's dream in first place. First thing first, Stop using this word 'DREAMS'. Because then you already beleive... That nothing's going to Happen. It's just a dream that you saw. Start calling it your aim. AIM! Dreams are imagined and Aims are achieved. Call it your Aim and you will fine it durable. Then your next question will be about the parth, Strategy and further doings. If you have Aim I have Plan for you Dm on Backchannel or Instagram And you also visit my website Link in my Instagram bio May be my Age is small but Beleive me My Aim is more than your thinking.