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Sharon Davis




I AM LOVE. I am a DIVA who is out here WINNING with a DivineIntelligentVictoriousAttitude I CAN DO it, BE it, and HAVE it all...GOD SAID SO. GOD is LOVE 💯❤️♥️Mother 💯💍❤️Wife 🎨 Artist @rosamaye_loveart ✍🏼 Writer 🦋 Blogger “God’s Nature Lessons by RosaMaye” ⛲️Gardener 👓 Create Your Vision Board Workshop Facilitator 😂 Comedian RosaMayE 👴🏾Producer of The Michael Colyar Morning Show on YouTube and Facebook 👩🏻‍🏫 Secondary Ed. Admin 🎓 HU, ODU, GWU 🔺Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated $rosamayelove