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Ron Richards




🇺🇸 Mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs to achieve giant, world changing triumphs – amazingly, with little struggle. Founder/president TeleSession Corporation, where we ran over 4,000 audio group discussions (40,000 participants) amongst professionals — growing 2X-3X/yr. compounded. Inventor, world’s first word-of-mouth marketing system. Div Head, Xerox Learning Systems, Launched 2 Communication Skills programs from scratch that each became the all-time best selling training programs under me — and the basis of a billion dollar acquisition (in today’s dollars). Co-owner/developer of revolutionary Breakthrough Method & Learning System: How to Have Big, Practical, Creative Breakthroughs, At Will, Quickly. Passionate developer of ways to multiply your pleasure and happiness — easily and quickly: HAPPINESS SKILLS – CH CLUB RADICAL VENTURE STRATEGY – CH CLUB Necessary and sufficient attributes for a great venture likely to impact millions of people, for a new entrepreneur with no funding. The ”Immediate Venture-Invention Game” where you give a random word or phrase, and I invent a potentially giant venture for a new entrepreneur, immediately. Wonderful or Terrible Mental Routines, and how to switch. I love sharing knowhow and mentoring. (Often no fee.) HomePlay for Happiness Skills: YouTube: Fred Astaire / Rita Hayworth in ”Amazing Dancing Scene” at:
