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Roland Slade




Here on Club House to network and connect with like minded individuals. Ⓜ️Husband / Father/ Grandfather ✝️Man of God - Elder 🧑🏾‍💻Tech Geek ✳️ Moderator 🔫 2A Supporter 🐟 Pescatarian 🏢 Co owner of So Fancy Hair Salon with my wife @daniellesofancy 👑 🧳 CEO of Cleeze Report 📰 - A news media platform for current events and world news… 🌐 19K+ followers on IG @cleezereport 🎬 Ned Digital Video Production & Editing **Formerly known as Three Lee Films** 🎥 Found Video Footage Collage Artist. 🏅Featured in the Erie Art Museum 2020 Spring Show curated by nationally renowned art critic and author Aruna D'Souza… “Celebrity Activists​" Exhibit. ⛑ Environmental Health Safety Coordinator and member of United Electrical Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Local 506. ✊🏾 Community Advocate Our communities need more men to “Be Visible and Speak Out” against Injustices. This gives the youth hope for a brighter future. When they see strong men such as fathers, grandfathers, and uncles united to become the true leaders of the community. Let’s Build 🛠