Robin Libby
Are you wearing a Mask? Let me reintroduce myself... I am Robin Libby, Beauty Confidence Coach! I help women to look and feel confident On Camera and in life by embracing their beauty💕 Beauty is not just skin deep Beauty is not just soul deep It is both!! Unlocking the potential of both is where we find unwaivering confidence, strength and stamina!! Curious?🤔 Let's grab a coffee!☕️ 🤔Did you know you have all the tools you need locked within your 🧬DNA? 3x Author & Amazon Best Seller 📸Lights! Camera! Confidence! The 7 beauty secrets to on camera confidence 🙏Synergized Faith 💰Click to Cash Vol II 💄Professional Makeup Artist 🗣Speaker 😊Image Consultant 💯Beauty ConfidenceCoach 🥰Beauty Empowerment Coach Creator of 🎥On Camera Confidence virtual Makeup Lessons Featured on .... ✅Chit Chat with Cherice ✅Doing Business with God ✅38 Partnership Building A Better Tomorrow ✅Formidable Women Magazine ✅Brenda Warren TV ✅No More Hidden Figures ✅Dr Stevii Aisha Mills ✅️ What is in your hand By Dorissa ✅️ Wellness Center in Biscotti Park ✅️EmpowHer Series and more... I coach you to… 💞create a Professional Branded look 💞be authentically aligned with who you are and your message 💞look & feel confident on camera 💞have a healthy, beautiful & vibrant complexion 💞enhance your beauty & confidence 💞remove distractions from your online presence & branding 💞take time for self care in the moments you have 💞have a consistent look across all media to be easily recognizable to potential clients Individual & Group Classes: 💄Brow Design Master Class 💄In Front of the Camera Lens Masterclass 💄Lights! Camera Confidence! Mastermind 💄On Camera Confidence Virtual Makeup Lesson 💄Professional Makeup Package & Masterclass 🌺I promote classes to add value to your life & business 🌺1 on 1 masterminds to show case your beauty and your brand! How can I help you? ✋Links to all my classes, my book and freebies are in this link tree link!!! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 HTTPS:// 23709