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Roger Boêvi Lawson




•📍🏰 Europe •👷🏿Real Estate Investor / Director / Shareholder - LDN U.K. portfolio •👷🏿Real Estate Development and Construction (SME) Business Development Consultant ( Main Contractor / Sub-contractor business advisor and scaler ) - MA (Hons) FCIM / CIMCIG •🔑 Levett Group member •🔑 RSA Fellow - FRSA •🔎London Prime Location and Nationwide DTV Site Finder / introducer and Build Contract Finder •🧠 Social Science Nerd (Post Grad Business and Consumer Psychology) •🥷🏾NED - Third Sector •🌾 Interest in Eastern & Southern Europe / Med / Africa / Agri biz and Intermediate tech Markets 🇪🇺🇧🇬🇹🇷🇨🇾🇬🇭🇹🇬🇳🇬