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Risa Jai




שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד ואהבת את יהוה אלהיך בכל-לבבך ובכל-נפשך ובכל-מאדך 🏁 Jersey Retired Pianist. Separatist. Black men with cats 🥰 Read the room, not the title. Stevie Wonder > Everyone else I raise my hand on accident a lot. Stop saying “right” when you’re talking. It doesn’t make you sound smarter. Using too many filler words means you don’t have a valid point. Make your point with the least amount of words possible. Logic over feelings Concepts over details If you ask me to follow you back, I won’t. If you ask me to follow your club, I won’t. Let me read the room/club and make my own decision. Reparations. Men who love feet are supreme. Love everything holistic. Soulaani Black American 🗡
