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Nina Sherak




Flourishing Skills Groups taking applications now (curated 3-month positive psychology learning & support group for behavior mastery) 💥Teaching the science of applied positive psychology skills for building resilience. 💥Certified Corporate Resilience facilitator and trainer 💥Concierge Coaching 💥Workplace Wellbeing Consultant 💥Behavior change specialist 💥Licensed health educator CHES 💥Medical communication scientist/writer 💥Mindfulness teacher 💥 Living fierce alignment ✳️ Our Mindset Club moderator Passionate about giving you powerful positive psych tools so you can navigate the waves of life and thrive resiliently 🧭 🎤 —————SERVING WITH———— •Corporate positive psychology seminars •Resilience workshops & concierge coaching •Keynote speaking •Worksite wellness consultant •Medical writer •LoA and Art of Allowing •Mastermind groups •TEDx speaker curator & coach •Conscious dance ————— CH ROOMS ———— ✳️ Our Mindset Mod ✳️Heart Talks - Convos over Coffee ✳️ Resilience Re-boot The only CH interactive pos psych research-based learning experience —————— MY BE & DO ———— 🌊 Founder Resilience Mastery, Inc 🧠 Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner (CAPP) 💡Mastermind leader 💪🏼 Life & Resilience Coach 🌱 Licensed Health Educator (CHES) ⚡️ DE&I 🎤 Toastmasters 🦋 Science of Mind 🔬 Clinical R&D Pharma and Biotech resilience trainer and consultant ⚡️My coaching style is laser-focused fierce alignment to get you moving through stuck & frustrated, into flourishing⚡️ ————LET’S TALK———— * Corporate Resilience training * Positive psychology * Pharma, Biotech life * Flourishing & grit * Strength-based Coaching * Science of Mind * Workplace wellness * DEI * Mastermind * You Matter Marathon * Conscious dance * Play & creativity —————LET’S COLLABORATE——— Love collaborating at intersection of psychology and creativity👩🏽‍⚕️🎨📿🤸🏻 ——————MY CREDO—————— Appreciation changes everything! ✨The basis of life is freedom. ✨The purpose of life is joy. ✨The result of life is growth. -Abraham Hicks ————YES TO CONNECTING!—— Next workshops: 🌀LIFT (The Flourishing Center) 🌱Flourishing Skills Group 🔥Imposter Syndrome Solution 💪🏼 Assertiveness Mastery 🧠 Mindfulness vs MindChatter 🔗 Appreciation tip jar 💗 Venmo @Nina-Sherak PayPal @NinaSherak ArdenInMotion ArtLeggingsDE 👇Connect for coaching, training, events, giveaways