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What’s good I’m One Mike😎😃🤟🏽🌎disclaimer ✅my participation on this app is for entertainment purposes only ⚡️ I reserve all my rights w/o prejudice and recourse I am a living being descending from American Indiens ( Cherokee) I am not black I am not property I am not a ward of the state I rebut all presumptions And I don’t consent to any contract using my voice for information to be monetized and if so all proceeds must be payable in me with full disclosure No info ( personal or audio)shall be collected for data research or manipulated for any use I reserve all my rights with out prejudice or recourse UCC 1-308/ &and I rescind my signature of said name (surname abbreviations, and or short versions) on all contracts that permits legal action against me for any reason including freedom of expression or alleged wrongdoing that binds me to a civil/criminal matter/ jurisdiction in /for/with connection/association or utilization of any audio/digital device At any given moment this device can/will be used by multiple people/persons/individuals/natural person or business entities. Hate speech /discrimination/domestic & international terroristic behavior is not permissible All conversations are for entertainment/ learning purposes only No legal advice I am not the owner of this device or any digital/virtual/audio/visual/equipment/devices/services/vocal devices Disclaimer ✅ What do I have going on? I am a creative director for ………… ⭐️🤩ROCK FOREIGN🙏🏾💵 clothing brand. ROCK FOREIGN-means WEAR Something DIFFERENT 💯-dedicated to my stepson and 3 others who I lost 🔫innocently a son wrongly convicted I’m fighting to free Grand opening date pending _________________________ Spiritual side of me:—- My gift is discernment ___________________________ I have a deep passion for 🎙music.i worked with a few key 🔑 ppl that’s worked in the industry R.I.p Trey ( sincere theory on ig) _____________________TESTIMONY 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 I’ve experienced a lot of things I’m a survivor of brain surgery 🙏🏾🙌and I live by experience, and example MiLLITARY——————- honorably discharged from U.S Navy Veteran ⚡️ WHERE are you from? Born in Cincinnati. Lived in Virginia (757) and grew up in Atlanta ga.south side In closing 👋🏼🎊🎊 In closing I give respect to everyone And demanding of mine. We can accomplish more together if we work together I’m seeking to network and build. email is [email protected]