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Rene Pardo



friends Co-inventor electronic spreadsheet (& Forward Referencing)(10 years before VisiCalc, 14 years before Lotus)- used by budgeting dept of every telephone company in North America throughout early 70’s; Video of the first electronic spreadsheet: World’s first artistic computer assisted animation with Norman McLaren (grandfather animation) at National Film Board (NFB) World’s first educational multimedia game (multiplayer, online too) - NFB & Harvard M.Ed thesis. introduced world’s first area lighting LED (Lightfair 2007) ..... Serial entrepreneur, angel investor, innovator. Presently: Honored to be a partner in the exceptional & outstanding creative team that released NFTs “Catbotica” 12,000 sold out - to be followed by 3D followed by animation, game and more! Co-founder CEO Brainwave Research Corp. World’s most advanced electrical fault detection technology, virtually eliminating electrical fires. Latest tech startup - advanced cybersecurity tech to give enterprise level security to individual, small businesses - protect confidential information and devices against hacking. Love helping mentor people on patents, startups, entrepreneurship, the process of creativity, how to innovate. How to stay young forever...resolving internal conflicts by making value system based decisions: “You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Choose outstanding, kind, giving people” Email: Rene@renepardo dot com
