Regina Howard-Norman
I am Mother, Wife, Daughter and Believer in Christ. I am City Born. Country Raised. I am a grandma’s baby. 👩🏽💼-I teach our youth how to prepare for their future with a strategy. Chef baking for over 15 years and foodie lover: 👩🏾🍳-Equally passionate teaching how to bake from scratch. I want to decrease food deserts . One of my passions is to teach the joy of cooking for you, your family or other loved ones. Lover of Biscuits, Bacon and Bread Managed major programs and initiatives for a major nonprofits. Currently serve on a nonprofit committed to serving our community our your, families and adults. 💎 Creator of Grandma’s Corner 💎 Co-Moderator in Red Velvet Crumbles Entrepreneur: RHN UNLIMITED Regina’s Baking Academy on Facebook Cashapp💰$RHNBlessed3