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Andrew Lee




Fitness Coach | Recovery Educator 💯Advancing FAST results in fitness and recovery, so you stop wasting time and maximized your results.💯 🔥Helping Kids Understand They Are Stronger, Than They Know🔥 💥JOIN the weekly room on fitness training, recovery, and fitness myths💥 👊Hosting and moderating rooms on👊 ✅Fitness ✅Recovery ✅Nutrition ✅Mindset Want to get to know me? Get in my 📲 so we can host a room by following me on insta or twitter. 🤩 FOR FUN 🤩 🏕 🧗‍♂️ 🏔 🚲 🏋🏻‍♂️ 📖 🧠 💭 ⬇️ OPENMINDED BIZGUY FOR ⬇️ 🟢Focus Groups 🟢Rooms/Clubs 🟢🧬Edu Opps 🟢 Online Edu Inquiries-📧- [email protected] line- First Letter Of Your Name “Opportunity” 🤯 RANDOM FACTS 🤯 📌LOOKING FOR LADIES TO MODERATE/COHOST/PARTICIPATE IN DISCUSSIONS ABOUT BEING A FEMALE ATHLETE📌 📌LOOKING FOR COACHES, EDUCATORS, AND ATHLETES📌 🚫CARDIO IS A LIE-ASK ME WHY🚫