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MartinJon Garcia




SOBER • ART • HEALING SELF DISCOVERY to SELF RECOVERY Host of the Recover Yourself podcast and innovator of the Recover Yourself Approach. Talking about sobriety and long term recovery. Using portraiture and energy healing to transform lives forever. Moving beyond living under the influence into a conversation of what we're Recovering To. Addressing and questioning the roots of stigma and trauma. Doing the hard work of asking questions and never assuming I have the 'right' answer. I want to talk about, and promote, being our individual unique Selves. I am not interested in debate, I don't want to change your mind. My ideas are always changing and I want to create a place to question our ideas together. I don't care about most things but I do care about you. I want to create a space where we can all be exactly who we are right now, while transforming into who we will be tomorrow. Don't let your definition of the word perfection rob you of your's. Once you have a handle on Recovering From, you can start asking about what you're Recovering To, and that's where I, and these conversations, come in. Your curiosity, not your anger, is welcome here.