Ransford Doherty
Actor / Educator / Author / Motivational Speaker I am an opportunity creator whose career is in a category by itself. I use high energy, sense of humor, personal stories, and perspective to inspire and encourage audiences to make the impossible possible. I draw on my 20 years of experience of being a working actor here in Hollywood, the many lessons I have learned spending 9 seasons as C.I. Kendall on TNT’s top-rated cable series, THE CLOSER and MAJOR CRIMES while pursuing a Master Degree and working as a high school Special Education teacher in South LA, to deliver a message that has helped a plethora of creatives not so much focus on being a star on the stage and screen, but being a star at life. I also use teaching and speaking skills to promote a program and curriculum I co-founded called Winning at The Money Game that teaches elementary, middle, and high school students financial literacy through the game of basketball. In 2020, I launched an online masterclass for actors called Actforaliving.com, and is currently releasing an autobiography, co-written with Angie Sanders called Dear Starving Artist, Get Something to Eat. Learn more about me and my passions: 1. ransford.me 2. Masterclass for aspiring actors: actforaliving.com 3. Read the first chapter of my book: ransford.me/dsa 4. Financial literacy through the game of basketball: watmgnow.com