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Rachel Bashabe




✨Founder of Veryldesigns (bold African print fashion. Opened London Fashion Week 06/2021 runway - available in John Lewis stores SS21) ✨Founder of Fyneframe (Magic mirror photobooth innovative Events company) 🇺🇬🇬🇧 Ugandan British ♣️ Founder UGANDA HOUSE🇺🇬 club (IG Ugandahousech) 🎙 Co-host SXSE (South by South East) show. The biggest megaphone to all things East and Southern Africa topics. Join us on Tuesdays on Afropolitan lounge. Admin/Caretaker for the below clubs. Feel free to reach out for any help or to moderate 🏡 Zambia house 🏡 Afropolitan lounge 🏡 Private Equity in Africa 🏡 African Fashion Print 🏡 The Art or Content Creation ✨Check out the Divataxiug (Instagram) female driver app initiative set up in Uganda and growing. ✨Lover of all things bold designs, travel, bringing smiles and food Feel free to DM for any of the above things I have listed and note that I have a range of interests not limited to the below 😌 📌Small business growth and challenges 📌E-commerce 📌Social media marketing (Insta & 💫Tiktok) 📌Branding 📌Consultancy and more🚀 🔗