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Rakesh Sonava



friends "Simple Business Process" Saas based transactional commerce platform for businesses with variety of business tools to run your business efficiently. Central airconditioning company with focus on Healthcare, Hospitality,Museums and Floor plates. Closed Startup - @nethaat (launched in 2011) "marketplace for handmade and designer items" ,had around 5000+ stores and decided to close .REASON-Challenges in making artisans,homemakers,designers and artists understand about the platform ,lower ratio of order fulfilment by sellers and inability to scale up fast ,considering those were the early days of ecommerce in india and we were amongst the earliest B2C platform.Covered by AFP news,WSJ,ET etc @Indian Crafts Melange Specialization - ERP,Materials,Supply Chain,Projects and Services,Ideation to Product Schulich School of Business,Indian institute of Materials Management,GB Pant Institute of Technology Place - New Delhi ,India