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Rasha Digitalmarketing




🌸﮼مدربة،عمل،حر،ومستشارة ﮼في،بناء،العلامة،التجارية،والتسويق،الرقمي 💸💸 🌸 ﮼أهوى،القراءة 📚 ﮼والسفر،حول،العالم ✈️ 🌸 ﮼أنا،في،زحام،من،النعم❤️ 🌸 ﮼ولو،أحمد،الله،دهرا،ما،وفيته،جزءا،من،النعم ﮼الحمدلله😇 🌸 ﮼كل،ما،تخسره،في،سبيل،سلامك،النفسي،هو،مكسب، ﮼عظيم🌱 🌸 ﮼لا،يسعك،أن،تجهل،بعدما،علمت 🌸﮼كنز ﮼الانسان ﮼رزااانة ﮼عقله 🌸Digital Marketer specialist and freelancing trainer~ 🌸I help you set your LinkedIn profile professionally. 🌸Social media manager 🌸Instagram guru 📲 🌸Entrepreneur🧠📝💰💻 🌸Reader📚 🌸 passionate in business 🤩 - I put the customer at the center of all that I do👩🏻‍💻 - The sky is the limit💫 - Being in a room does not mean that I agree to the room's topic or the opinions and directions of those in it, I'm only responsible for my words. ✋🏻Don't ask me personal questions to avoid embarrassment (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) For business:- Follow me on my instagram ⬇️