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Rachel Masters




Come build your personal core with me in my workshop: Fascinated with the new. Community brand builder at The Masters Collective. We transform brands and the investors who love them. 👩🏻‍🎓Alum of PCH, Ning, Warner Music Group & StarVest Partners. Passionate about (not in order of priority): 🧘🏻‍♀️fun fitness, health + wellness 🚲 Peloton name - masters212 👨‍👩‍👧 parenting 🕶 personal brands, 🧮📱media biz models + marketing, 🌇SF 🔯 Judaism 🎓Brandeis & NYU MBA 📖 page turning books 👩‍🍳easy / healthy recipes, 💰investing, 📻 music, ✈️ 🛵 travel 2929